Help and Support

Here you can find solutions to all frequently asked questions and submit a request for help.

Frequently asked questions

  • Why is there a waiting list?

    Because it's currently in closed beta, it means we're improving every day. The waitlist allows us to learn from your early feedback so we can improve it and ensure a high-quality experience for everyone.

  • How is the performance?

    Use the end-side AI algorithm for visual computing, and the file processing process is all executed at the speed of the machine. To ensure the completion of ultra-large-scale file processing tasks.

  • Is compatibility intact?

    The optimization algorithm selectively reduces the number of colors and volume size through visual calculation, without destroying the format of the file, and maintaining the same applicability as the original image.

  • Are the files safe?

    Your file is safe because it is not uploaded to the server, and all processing is based on the browser.

  • Will there be any quality loss?

    Get the smallest animation file size without compromising quality or changing your workflow. You can upload high-quality images faster, save a lot of hard drive space, speed up image loading and improve your customers' browsing experience.

  • Is it free to use?

    Yes, absolutely! The basic plan of all our software is free forever, even without account registration.

Have any other questions?